- Katie June's Newsletter
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- I'm So Happy You're Here
I'm So Happy You're Here
I hope I can be of real, honest use to you.
Hello You,
This is my first newsletter.
It’s a very strange internal experience to be vulnerable in this way and have it land in someone’s inbox.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the first people to subscribe. (Maybe) you believe I have something worth saying.
Maybe you know me personally, maybe you don’t. But here you are, taking time out of your day to read something I’ve written for you.
That’s way cool.
So thank you. 🙏
“Okay, so neat, you started a newsletter — why?”
If You Want My Back Story, Find My IG Highlight
Initially, I started writing this newsletter with a tell-all intent; to give you my personal story, starting in 2015 all the way up to present day.
I like to be vulnerable; I like to overshare my flaws, inadequacies, and painful experiences with people.
It makes me feel like I’m demonstrating humility.
Honestly, it’s also a disclaimer and a form of self-protection; if I’m the first to tell you how messed up I’ve been in the past, it might save me from the potential criticism that I think I’m better than everyone else.
But as I keep regurgitating the story of my past to everyone willing to hear it, I keep retelling the story to myself too.
Hearing it over and over keeps me “stuck” in it.
And that practice has formed a bad habit I’m currently correcting which is over-identifying with my past.
A Quick Caveat Here
I want to double click on that last sentence and say something I strongly believe in before we continue:
Revisiting your past is some of the most important work you can do. It’s also 100% necessary if you want to make progress, live your big dreams out loud, and aim higher in life.
In fact, revisiting your past is so necessary that it’s a part of my protocol (you’ll learn more about this in a minute.)
But you do have to let your past go. Clinging so tightly to the past is a surefire way to stay stuck in the mud and not move on in life with your big bad self.
So if you want a tell-all of my life story, it’s laid out in an Instagram highlight on my profile titled “my story” instead.
Whether you choose to view that IG highlight or not makes no difference to me. But the whole reason I even bring it to your attention and spill all my life’s ick onto the internet in the first place is because I aim to demonstrate one very simple thing:
I know how hard human-ing is.
I know how hard I punch, but I know how much harder life punches back.
I know what it’s like to try something (sobriety, exercise, cook healthy meals, manage your panic attacks, create a budget, get better sleep, etc.) and fail.
And I know what it’s like to not try again for a very long time.
So before you think I am using this newsletter as a medium to talk down or proselytize, I want you to always remember this; I know.
I’m all the flawed human you’ve been, are, and will be.
That Said; I’m Here to Help.
I can save you a lot of pain, research, time, energy, and resources. & if nothing else, I can give you a solid launchpad.
At one point, my life hurt just looking at it.
I was one wild human for a very, very long time.
My husband and I like to joke that I have a very large, very swollen, very used and abused amygdala.
110% done living that wild, in pain, and out of control existence, I eventually sought out to course correct. But during that grueling process, I:
Looked for every detour imaginable.
Tried every hack.
Stepped into the fire of self-improvement too soon and quickly retracted (because I thought I was ready for deeper levels of the work when I wasn’t.)
Followed many mentors down many roads only to realize I had been hoodwinked, distracted, or left more confused.
But I made it through that shit; not unscathed, but alive. My mission was to figure myself out, heal what desperately needed healing, and plant many seeds.
Seeds I planted have bloomed and those that haven’t yet, will eventually. I don’t even question the speed of their growth.
BUT (Cheeseball Statement Incoming…)
That real popular quote at the end of the movie Into The Wild plays on a loop track in my mind:
“Happiness is only real when shared.”
No matter how often this popular quote repeats itself to me, so do these thoughts:
“You don’t know how to share.”
“Whose going to give a shit what you have to say?”
“No one looks to you for mentorship or wisdom or inspiration.”
“Who says you can even help? What works for you might not work for anyone else.”
Nonetheless, “happiness is only real when shared” continues to loop.
I have many hypotheses, but at this point in my journey, I’ve landed on this:
There is a voice— call it my potential, my “higher-self,” my daemon, my intuition — trying to tell me…
“Nothing you’ve done or been through matters if it’s not to become useful to others.”
So Here We Are; The Purpose of My Newsletter
I aim to be useful to you.
Full stop, that’s what matters to me, nothing else.
“🤨 How Can You Be Useful to Me?”
You ask good questions. 😉
During the pandemic, I made a list of my all problems:
Poor sleep
Lack of energy
Lack of nutrition
Dysregulated nervous system
Low self-esteem
Daddy issues
Mommy issues
Sibling issues
Drink a lot of alcohol
Don’t exercise
Can’t use my downtime properly
Can’t fit everything I want to do into my day
Not making enough money
Life’s too busy
I don’t have an aim
Don’t have a spiritual practice
Don’t want a spiritual practice
Wince at my childhood
Don’t know why I act the way I do
Little hope
…& I’ve worked hard to solve for each.
I made a lot of mistakes.
I took a lot of detours.
I got distracted and gave up a lot.
But then I’d remember why I started, picked it back up, and kept going.
And then progress was made.
And then a lot of progress was made.
And then I refined my process, had a lot of breakthroughs and turned my findings into a “protocol” and then lived by that protocol like a religion for a year and then one day I said to myself…
“DUDE; look where we ARE!”
You’re happy
Your energy is off the charts
You have good habits
You have goals
You have a well-oiled routine
Your house is in order
You enjoy deep sleep, paired with epic dreams
You’re better at regulating your emotions
You have everything you need
Your partner loves the shit out of you
You can actually practice gratitude and forgiveness now
You’re practicing who you say you are
My protocol works.
The more I do it, the more I believe in myself:
That everything I’ve been through has lead to this.
That living can feel real good.
That I have something worth sharing.
That I can be useful to others.
That I can start a newsletter where I can share my protocol with people I love and care about.
So it goes.
“May I never reach the point where I think I am done.”
If you’ve made it this far, bravo, and thank you for sticking it out with me.
I wanted to set the stage properly so I don’t kick things off and you’re left thinking I consider myself above you or below you.
I AM YOU, albeit a different version of you living a totally different life, but I am a human that wants more from their life and will do anything to achieve that.
So with that all out of the way…let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this bitch.
I have this protocol. I’ve mentioned it a few times.
I don’t know what to call it, I didn’t invent it, I’m not trying to act like some mystical figure that’s been bestowed with enlightenment or gifted all the holy answers.
Holly Whitaker said it best:
“I took pieces of what others had mapped together and repurposed them into my own map.”
Thanks, Holly.
My protocol is practical, backed by science where applicable, given the stamp of approval by the laws of nature, and you can apply a little bit of it, a lot of it, or all of it; the level at which you take to this protocol is for you and you only to determine.
I’m not demanding any level of commitment.
I just want to be useful.
This protocol scratches many itches, some monotonous, others Divine. Maybe you want to scratch one (or all) of these itches, too:
Proper Sleep
Daily Self-Care Ritual
Daily Movement
Making Hard Decisions
Quality Nutrition
Spiritual Practice
Starting A Small Business
Human Body Functionality & Optimization
Cellular Energy
Fear & Self-Limiting Belief Management
Mindset Training
Stress Control
Revisit Childhood & Memories
Removing Distractions
Healing Trauma (if you resist, wince, or skim over the word “trauma”…stay subscribed 😉)
Healthy Relationships (including with self)
Aiming Higher
A Whole Lot More.
As time marches on, newsletters will deep dive on each of these bullets.
Newsletters will aim to:
Share what’s worked for me
Suggest what might work for you
Provide reframes
Give insights
Provide motivation
Share research
Offer journal prompts
Give tips
Share tricks, &
Link additional resources (should you want to explore, purchase products I mention, etc.)
I hope you’ll take pieces of what I’ve learned and apply them in your life where you see fit and from that effort, the seeds you plant will bloom in your life too.
Does that sound good?
I really, really hope so. 🩶
Love to you all, I hope you stay tuned for the next one!
Katie June
💡Journal Prompt:
• At this present moment, what do I like about my life?
• What do I dislike about my life?
• What lifestyle improvements would I like to start making right away?
• What resistance, if any, do I have to making these improvements?